A loft bed is a bed which is raised off the floor a few feet, it is made of wood or metal and you can easily build it. You can use the area underneath the loft bed as storage space, a closet, a drawer or a space to store toys. Some loft beds come with futon which gives you a dual option, a bed and a couch when needed.

Loft beds help to save space especially if you have a small or confined place like dorm rooms or home offices. Full loft beds come in many different sizes like full, twin, twin extra long, and queen sizes. Also you can customize the size according to the space in the room and the height of the ceiling.

The most important thing to consider when buying a loft bed is safety. The safety rail along the sides of the top bed should be high enough to keep your child secure in his bed. Stability also is important and you have to check it by shaking the bed vigorously after being installed to be sure that it is stable enough to bear the weight of your children. Also the ladder should be steady enough for your children to climb it safely. All the corners and the edges should be smooth to avoid injuries to your child while playing.

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